Shakepay app and ux
This is a less focused page than other examples of my work on this site. There’s just too much to show for the copy and experience of using the Shakepay app, so here are some of my personal favourite projects. There’s a lot to love in this app: it’s simple, it’s clean, the language is straight forward in directions, fun in the headlines, and trustworthy when it comes to the money stuff.
Dark mode
Dark mode was a highly requested feature by Shakepay’s most hardcore followers, but its arrival was for everyone. There’s no in-on-the-joke here, a simple explanation and directions was just what was needed.
Stealth mode
Keep unwanted glances off your balances was the social headline for this. A more literal, instructive and demonstrative take was preferred for announcing the feature in the app itself.
shakepay earn
Say stash cash stack sats ten times fast.